Monday, March 8, 2010

My God,
I look out to see a nightmare,
Another holocaust dissolving us to a fragile state,
Leaders who don't understand the essence of the word,
Sending ships into hurricanes
Forcing men into minefields
Control is a constant battle we're losing,
Focusing on ourselves and our desires
Disease spreads as innocence crumbles,
like a building set to a flame
you can see the frame melt away,
They plead change, but from selfish lips
I hear a cry of help,
Answered and ignored for thoughtless intentions,
I heard a man say he'll lead us to change,
but he can't change himself,
You can't escape disaster if you never run

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Great Tree

Please, try to imagine a tree that was far more wide than any other. With a trunk thick and dense, and branches full of leaves. One that produced vast amounts of fruit that would stay ripe far longer than any other trees. If you can imagine that, then you can understand the distress in the man that found that tree, with it's apples that had just ripened in the morning already bitter by afternoon, and by that evening, he couldn't see past the flies that were eating the dead fruit on the forest floor. The only man that has ever seen this tree looked up at it's enormous trunk and said, "Where has your passion gone, what happened to you my friend?" The great tree sat quietly, the only sound it made was it's leaves, which used to be a lush green, rustling in the wind. On top of a distant hill a pine tree heard what the man had said, so it bent over and said, " What's happened to this great tree is quite clear to me young man, from up here it's easy to see. This tree grew for itself, it worked hard to be the best it could, but no other tree like it saw it's work. It has lost it's incentive after seeing so many seeds of apple trees from afar wither and die while it waited for a companion. As you can see, this old piece of wood has simply given up." Startled and sympathetic the man asked, "I've known this tree for only a couple of years, has always been alone? Surely it's had a friend." "Oh troubled boy rest assured, turn your head to the city." Said the pine tree, "Do you see the center building, the one taller than the rest? That courthouse was built from these woods. There was one other apple tree a long time ago, but they towns people decided it would be used for the chairs and floors of the building. Not only is the great tree alone, but he can clearly see his former friend in the distance. To add onto that, when the friend over heard what it was to become he tried to leave a seed for the great tree, but the friend was unable to produce proper seeds, so it couldn't leave this tree with another companion. He's become so disheartened by this that he's giving up." Upon hearing the words of the pine tree, the man walked out of the woods feeling depressed. When he came to his home he was unable to sleep, only tossing and turning thinking of the sadness the apple tree must feel. Soon he got up and walked out of his house, tired yes, but he walked with an air of purpose. He broke open the tattered doors of a building and he walked to the center of it's main room. Through walls you could here sounds of deconstruction, metallic bolts fall to the floor, and constant thuds from powerful blows. This proceeded throughout the night just until morning. The next day the man walked back into the forest, following his same path. This time he pulled a heavy load behind him, making him strain to move forward. Soon it began to rain but the man only pressed onward through the now muddy ground. Lightning and thunder made the children run back home, yet the man kept on his steady path. From a distance he saw smoke ahead of him. And a sense of worry ran through his body, he seemed to grow strength exponentially, pulling the load with ease. Finally, he came to the bare center of the forest. There was the great tree, leaves popping, and wood crackling. Billows of grey were escaping from it's darkening leaves, with an orange glow shown on the trunk. Although dangerous, the man continued to pull his load closer and closer to flaming tree. Soon he couldn't see because of the fast haze. Far away the pine could here the sound of limbs breaking and a faint, weak cough. The tall tree looked but couldn't see from the hard rain. Eventually the sounds faded and night was upon the woods. Patiently the pine waited to see what had happened. When the sun was close enough to the horizon the pine tree looked over once again. It looked and saw nothing but a charred stump .All the vast limbs were reduced to ash that covered the grass with a dull grey. By the absence of the great tree, sat the man. But he was found sitting on the city courthouse's finest bench. Made from the apple tree that used to stand in the forest long ago. The pine had wondered how the great tree had burned. Surely it had enough water stored to extinguish the flames. Although the greater question the pine had, was how had the man survived the harsh cold. The man woke up knowing the tree gave him warmth through the night with it's flames, and in the mans hand was the trees last fruit. It was a carmine red, without a bruise or a blemish, and it's wax-like covering was radiant in the morning sun. The great tree was content in leaving seeing the remnants of his old friend. Even more willing knowing the man had struggled so much to bring joy to the tree. Over on the distant hill, the pine was still and never said a word. Eventually the man left the stump and slowly walked home. He left the apple on his shelf, and it never decayed. The pine tree stood in silence, staring at the bench that had been dragged for miles, left to sit by the burned and darkened stump of that great old oak tree.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The mixed up hole I call my mind

In the small, fist sized galaxy of my brain,
Everything's been in motion,
Space is filled with movement,
Thoughts rotate with each other.
New stars and planets were pulled in by gravity,
Misaligning everything from what it was,
Dreams are shaking loose from orbit,
But they've conformed to another.
A new addition near the center had come,
Spinning circles faster than the others,
My tiny universe had seemed to become chaos,
I lost words and thoughts to this new planet,
But I learned it replaced what it had taken away.
I'm the sun, waiting again to see the new face,
Swinging in a chaotic elliptical,
Pushing everything out of it's way,
You've removed so much from my system,
But I wait anxiously for it all to repeat,
I want to see the start the next cycle,
Seeing the face come around once again,
I watch this planet start a revolution,
You're the leader of the army,
Gaining control of my thoughts,
Marching from the back to the front lines,
Your words are your soldiers,
Your eyes are your missiles,
You've blown me away, like an volcano,
Everything came to surface,
I couldn't find time to relieve pressure,
So my mind soon erupted,
Molten thoughts slipped out of my head,
Coming to rest on pages I sent to you,
Flying like paper planes in hurricanes,
I put them together and sent them off,
They flew to your window,
And you opened each one.
When the words escaped my core became cold,
But it's soon refilled and the stress on my walls come again,
The cycle continues and it's a part of the same revolution.
With you at the head of the rebellion,
Coming closer to conquering all you can,
But nothing is opposing your arrival,
A simple takeover was all that occurred.
My thoughts have spun in a tornado,
And scattered across the fields of my mind,
So many thoughts and memories tossed out of Nebraska,
Launched into the depths of the Pacific,
But I don't mind their exit,
Because so much more have fallen down,
In the peaceful rain that comes after the storm,
The soft drops lulling me to sleep on a cold Saturday night,
Showing me that Sunday will bring sun shine once again,
And I'll see your face from my celestial home

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Progress isn't something you see day to day,
Planting seeds is a game of chance,
Anticipation is what keeps you alive,
Just one hint of green,
A hint of life that brings comfort,
Progress, like fingers reaching to the sky,
They pull themselves up and begin to thrive,
Hope keeps your prayers constant,
That what you see won't wilt away,
Faith tells you your prayers haven't gone unanswered,
And hints again at the day the flowers will come into view,
Progress is when you see the leafs,
Slowly coming out to see the summer sun,
When it seems to shine curiously brighter,
Patience is when you stay inside from the cold,
When you strain to see your plants still alive,
Progress is when spring comes,
The green has become vibrant and growing still,
Happiness comes when the buds can be seen up close,
Too small for a normal eye, but you've been taught well,
Dedication is when you still lift your eyes to the sky,
And pray even when everything looks perfect,
Faith keeps you confident and takes away doubt,
Fear comes when you know God controls everything,
When you understand everything is a blessing,
Reward comes when you trust in the Lord,
When your roses have come into full bloom,
Calling them your own,
Holding them proudly, with loving jealousy,

Monday, December 7, 2009


I took time to stand outside in the cold,
Just to talk to you,
Just to get to know,
I did this for weeks at a time,
Until I had you,
Until I thought I had you,

I've been talking to the other half of you,
The other half I knew,
The other stayed inside,
I've been talking to the other half of you,
The other half I knew,
The other held on too, but not to me

I looked back on the months I spent with you,
Where growing emotions grew,
But weeds came from the ground,
The fox,
He came back to our town,
What I thought was our town,
But i'm the fox, and they want none

I've been talking to the other half of you,
The other half I knew,
The half I thought was true,
I've been talking to the other half of you,
The only half I knew,
The half I wish was really you,

False hope came and went,
For this time my care is spent,
I just wanted a better view,
A picture frame with me and you,
Beggers can't be choosers,
But I swear I didn't beg,
I took the time, I chose to choose,
BUt in the end I guess I lose

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

boom that just happened

Everyday a farmer walked out to his fields,
Harvesting what the land produced,
Selling grain and fruits to the common wealth,
Though never rich he lived a peaceful, content life,
Giving food to the ones he loved,
And his children always smiled,
But whenever he was outside he looked to the ground,
Hiding from the sun,
Shielding his exhausted eyes,
One day the sun was out yet he looked up,
Sat down against a tree and looked to his valley below,
It was filled with trees of fruit and ripe crops even more,
Saying, "Where have I been? How long has my soil been this way?
Everything I'll ever need, I own because this land produces everyday."
"What man am I to not notice my plantation till this moment?
My field covered with every seed, giving enough to keep me filled."...
Overlooking the simplicities,
Things we never thought to need,
Never giving our gifts a second glance,
But we would never give them up.
When printed words are all you see,
Don't forget the author behind the desk,
The face that I have kept inside the thoughts of my mind,
Is one I didn't notice, I question if I was blind,
But now that I've looked up seeing what I've talked about,
I keep those words like the seeds from the plants I grow,
Because beauty is a gift that's more than appearance alone,
I discovered a heart that's beautiful, that speaks of eternal home,
And when I looked to the owner of this heart that I had found,
I saw a face as gorgeous as the heart she held proud

Monday, November 9, 2009


It may be the middle of the night,
But if the sparrows wake up i'll answer their call,
I'll listen to what the say with intent ears,
Making notes in my head of everything they said,
I've learned the difference between the butterfly and caterpillar,
One only dreams, taking what's presented and easiest to attain,
While the other searches and finds what it's been looking for,
Settling for no less,
If I'm the flower then let your approving eyes see me as acceptable.
Empty promises have dug holes,
And left them empty filled with air,
But I'll replace the holes and built castles where they were,
This I will hold true.